Here are the hieroglyphics seen on a steep, smooth, tall rock in the park on our way to Pastoruri. There is a man running, squiggly lines, a serpent-like creature, sun, and other things that are more faded.
Once at the trail head, Adam and I ditched the group and hauled up the mountain. Knowing we only had a limited amount of time, our goal was not to touch snow (we've done that once or twice!), but to climb to Pastoruri, a peak just shy of 18,000ft. Soon into our hike we had pulled quite a ways away from our group. We past the starting point for the snow and kept trekking. I stopped hiking to the sound of our guide hollering and waving his arms, motioning us to come back down. Bummer! When we reached the group at the base of the snow our guide informed us that Pastoruri had many crevasses that can be very dangerous. Thankful, but disappointed we stayed with the group and toured the glacier ice cave just below the peak. Adam reached about 5400m (17,712ft) and I about 5300m before we had to turn back. It is the highest we have ever been on foot, and surprisingly did not feel much different from our 14ers back home. What a neat view! 

I cant complain about the natural ice cave either. It was very cool to be able to walk inside the glacier, although the caution sign said not to enter. In the picture below, I am in the entrance of the ice cave. My alpaca sweater was the perfect thing to keep me warm the entire time. I was surprised it was not colder so high up in altitude and in an ice cave. It was a very neat experience. I wish the pictures could do it justice.

Unfortunately, the altitude did bother some people and Hugo and Sarita never made it to play in the snow. However, the snow made its way to Hugo and Sarita. Adam and I packed our alpaca hats full of snow and ran it back down to where they were waiting on the group.

This was thier first time to ever touch or see snow! They were very thankful and had just enough to make a little snowman. They also had a snowball fight and tasted the snow. I told them what we all need to learn with snow... don't eat the yellow stuff. They named thier snowman Jose David, after the little one year old they look after at the albergue.

On Friday, we got a tour of the city, did some last minute shopping, then headed back to the Albergue. This is the view of Huaraz. It is a very beautiful city.

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