Parents always tell me babies grow fast. It is true! To imagine I was just getting out of the hospital one year ago and my whole life changed. I went into the hospital with a watermelon shaped belly, or basketball if you prefer sports, and come home a mother!
I am looking at my beautiful girl. I don't think I can call her a baby anymore. She is sitting on the living room floor, playing with a colorful wooden shape-sorter puzzle, and still wearing clothes size 6-9 months (she's always been petite). One piece of the puzzle is just out of her reach. She leans to the side and stretches her little fingers as far as they could to get the puzzle piece; the cat shape to be precise.... something about that cat! It always goes missing, and I, with my OCD tendencies literally can't go to bed unless that darn cat is found and in its place.... (wait, I was telling a story.) As I was saying, the piece is just out of Nya's reach. Instead of crawling she gets into the squatting position (perfect form I might add), stands up, and puts one foot in front of the other. She walks over to the puzzle piece. Then, getting distracted, like her mother often does, walks over to Riley dog and tries to share her cat cut out with him. She must know he loves cats!
That's right, she is walking! A year has passed and Nyellie is walking, talking, and getting so big! Not only is she talking, but she is bilingual! Nya said "give me" in Russian this week! Her very first word was a perky "hi", followed by dada, mama, dog and book. Although dog is more like "dagh" and book is "boo", but we understand. They really do grow fast!
Here is a glimpse of Nyellie over her 12 months of life!

Nyellie Addison Runyan born September 20, 2010!
New Born- So sleepy
1 month - 1st family vacation, Lviv Ukraine
2 months - 1st smile!
4 months - 1st laugh while in Rome! Best sound ever!
5 months - Found her toes!

Thanks Katie! She is a happy girl most of the time. She is amazing. It's hard not to love the greatest blessing in your life! Before I had Nya I was affraid to be a mother. Turns out it is one of my favorite things in life!
I love your blog.....hope you keep is have a real knack for writing and sharing. Love all the bug pics.
Love you guys....GrammieLou
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